Bricks Builder Tutorials

WooCommerce dashboard interface with recent order details displayed.

Build A Custom WooCommerce My Account Dashboard

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If you're running a WooCommerce store, providing a seamless and branded user experience is essential. Crafting a more focused, branded and custom My Account Dashboard is a great way to achieve this!
Tutorial for designing custom login pages.

Bricks Custom WordPress Login & Registration Pages

WordPress is known for its versatility and ease of use. However, its default login, registration, and password recovery pages often lack the personal touch that brands strive for.
Web design tutorial promotion with interface example.

My Custom Bricks Builder Blueprint Starter Site

As a web developer or agency, setting up new websites efficiently is key to managing time and resources effectively. One way to streamline your workflow is by creating a blueprint.
Web design tips for one-page scroll websites

Master Scroll Snap with Bricks – One Page Website

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Are you looking to spice up your WordPress website designs, especially single-page layouts? The Scroll Snap feature in Bricks Builder might be the creative touch you need.
Web design tutorial for Gutenberg content templates.

Integrating Gutenberg Content in Bricks Builder for Client Websites

Creating dynamic and user-friendly websites for clients is a crucial part of a web developer's job. When working with Bricks Builder, there are various approaches to handling client content management.
Man presenting animated 404 error webpage design concept.

Creating a Custom Animated 404 Page with Bricks

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In the digital realm, encountering a '404 Page Not Found' error can be a frustrating experience. However, with a bit of creativity, we can turn this inconvenience into an engaging and interactive moment for our website visitors.
Man presenting custom WordPress dashboard interface.

Build A Custom WordPress Dashboard With Bricks & UDP

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WordPress is a powerful tool for creating websites, but the default dashboard can often feel overwhelming, especially for new users. Customising the WordPress dashboard is a great solution to provide a more user-friendly and branded experience.
ACF Flexible Content Fields Tutorial

ACF Flexible Content Fields With Bricks

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Ready to revolutionize your WordPress game? This tutorial unveils the magic of Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Pro's Flexible Content Field feature. Craft custom meta fields like a pro, from project highlights to client feedback. We're not stopping there – seamlessly integrate them with Bricks Builder for ultimate layout control