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GridBuilderWP Custom Post Loop Filters

Learn how to create custom filters and sorts for your WordPress website with Grid Builder WP and Bricks Builder. This intermediate-level tutorial walks you through the process of building a post grid and adding facets and sorts to it.

In this video, I show an alternative method for customizing and creating filters using Grid Builder WP and Bricks Builder. This integration opens up a ton of possibilities and makes setting up your own filters incredibly simple. To get started, you’ll need to download the Bricks Builder add-on in the Grid Builder WP add-ons section.

The video demonstrates how to create a post grid and filter it based on categories, authors, and date using facets and sort options. I walk through the process step-by-step, showing how to set up the basic layout for the container and different facets, how to add extra fields to display additional information, and how to apply the filters to the relevant post element.

Using Grid Builder WP and Bricks Builder, you can create simple or complex sets of facets, searches, filters, and more. It’s a powerful tool for customizing your post grids and making them more user-friendly.

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