Dynamic Content

Man presenting Crocoblock Jet Engine tutorial.

Getting Started with JetEngine & Bricks

Software Used: JetEngine
As a comprehensive plugin designed for creating custom post types, meta fields, taxonomies, and more, JetEngine allows you to extend the functionality of your WordPress site far beyond its default capabilities.
Man presenting custom date formats tutorial.

Secrets to Tailoring Your ACF Dates with Bricks Builder

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Software Used: Advanced Custom Fields
When working with dates in Bricks Builder, particularly in conjunction with Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), formatting the output of date fields can significantly enhance the readability and presentation of dates on your website.
Event listings mistake advice and live band concert.

Chronological Events Listing & Auto-Removal

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Software Used: Advanced Custom Fields
Creating an event setup using Bricks Builder and Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) can significantly enhance your website's functionality, especially when you need to list events in chronological order.
Man presenting ACF tutorial on dynamic testimonials.

Dynamic Testimonials with ACF & Bricks Builder

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Software Used: Advanced Custom Fields
Creating a dynamic testimonial system for your website can streamline content management and offer a flexible solution for displaying client feedback.
Man promoting web design with nested loop builder.

Mastering Nested Post Loops in Bricks Builder

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Software Used: Advanced Custom Fields
Creating a structured and engaging listing website in WordPress often involves organizing content by categories. In this article, we'll delve into how to efficiently group content using nested post loops in Bricks Builder, drawing inspiration from Maxime at BricksLab.
Introduction to Bricksforge Pro Forms.

Bricksforge Pro Forms – Frontend Forms

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Software Used: Bricksforge
In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of editing a post list and building an edit post page using a content management system. This tutorial is perfect for those who have basic knowledge of content management systems and are looking to enhance their website with dynamic data and custom forms.
bricks acf relation

Mastering Bricks with Advanced Custom Fields Relationship

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Software Used: Advanced Custom Fields
Are you trying to display custom content on your WordPress site using Bricks Builder and Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)? Let's break down how you can use ACF's Repeater field to showcase a list of job postings from various employers on your website – without getting tangled in techy talk!
bricks acpt tutorial

Dynamic WordPress Websites With ACPT & Bricks Builder

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Software Used: ACPT
Are you looking to create a WordPress website that harnesses the power of dynamic data?