Bricks Elements Conditions
The latest key feature added to Bricks is the all new conditional logic or Elements Conditions as they call it. This is a powerful & visual way to create comprehensive conditions an apply them to your designs.
It’s always great to see new features that have been requested in the public roadmap being added to Bricks. The latest addition is Elements Conditions, probably better known as conditional logic. This allows you to easily build up conditions in a visual manner to choose when to show or hide parts of your design.
This is probably an oversimplification, but you get the idea. By using a combination of ‘and‘ or ‘or‘ clauses, you can easily create as simple or as comprehensive a set of conditions as needed.
A simple example would be to show or hide a welcome message to a logged-in user and a message to register or log in to anyone who isn’t logged in.
In this first look and introduction video, I’ll show you how to get started building your first conditions and how to combine both ‘and’ conditions and ‘or’ conditions to create far more comprehensive solutions.
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