
Web design tutorial for Gutenberg content templates.

Integrating Gutenberg Content in Bricks Builder for Client Websites

Creating dynamic and user-friendly websites for clients is a crucial part of a web developer's job. When working with Bricks Builder, there are various approaches to handling client content management.
Man presenting animated 404 error webpage design concept.

Creating a Custom Animated 404 Page with Bricks

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In the digital realm, encountering a '404 Page Not Found' error can be a frustrating experience. However, with a bit of creativity, we can turn this inconvenience into an engaging and interactive moment for our website visitors.
Web designer presenting tips for using Bricks Builder & Core Framework.

Essential Tips For Mastering Bricks Builder & Core Framework

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Software Used: Core Framework
Core Framework and Bricks Builder are powerful tools for WordPress site building. This guide, based on a detailed video tutorial, will walk you through essential steps and best practices to efficiently use these tools together.
Man presenting custom WordPress dashboard interface.

Build A Custom WordPress Dashboard With Bricks & UDP

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WordPress is a powerful tool for creating websites, but the default dashboard can often feel overwhelming, especially for new users. Customising the WordPress dashboard is a great solution to provide a more user-friendly and branded experience.
bricks acpt tutorial

Dynamic WordPress Websites With ACPT & Bricks Builder

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Software Used: ACPT
Are you looking to create a WordPress website that harnesses the power of dynamic data?
css line clamp

Control Text Line Length With Line-Clamp

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CSS line-clamp enables sleek management of overflowing text by limiting visible lines in your web designs! This guide will swiftly elevate your UI creation skills, whether you're a beginner or intermediate. Dive in to master text truncation with line-clamp and boost your designs!
Advanced Custom Fields & Bricks Builder For Beginners

Advanced Custom Fields & Bricks Builder

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Software Used: Advanced Custom Fields
Interested in stepping up your WordPress game? In this beginner-friendly guide, I'll walk you through how to use Advanced Custom Fields and Bricks Builder to create a job listing page tailored to your needs. You'll learn the essentials, from custom post types to meta fields, and even how to display your new data effectively. It's a practical approach to mastering WordPress customisation.
global css classes

CSS Classes & Pseudo Classes In Bricks

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Building websites is an intricate process filled with repetitive tasks that can often bog down even the most experienced designers. The quest for efficiency has led to the adoption of powerful CSS techniques that significantly cut down on the time and effort required to apply consistent styles across a website.